Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 1-19-2022

The Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce Monthly Member Meeting Agenda 

Date: January 19, 2022        Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Village Report w/ Q & A

  5. Treasurer Report

  6. New Business

    1. Welcoming Our New 2022 Board of Directors

    2. Membership Update

    3. Annual Budget

    4. Chamber and Member Generated Content Framework and Industry Specific

    5. Private Facebook Group

    6. Farmers Market 2022 Update

    7. Daisy Days 2022 Update

    8. Staff Position Update

  7. Open Forum

  8. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Feb 16th @ 9am on Zoom