Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 05-18-2022


Derek Berg and Shannon McDonald invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: May 18 , 2022

Time: 9am

Place: Zoom

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement: The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Address or Proposals from the Community: NONE

  5. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members (Non-Agenda Items)

  6. Village Report

  7. Treasurer Report

  8. Old Business: NONE

  9. New Business

    1. Introduction of your new Chamber Director & Events Manager Shannon McDonald.

    2. Farmers Market Begins This Week May 19th!

    3. Daisy Days June 17 & 18

    4. Dancin' in the Street Wednesdays, June 22 - July 27

    5. Water Bill Ads are available for the July/August Water Bill. CLICK HERE for a low cost advertising opportunity available to Members Only to reach every water customer in Clarendon Hills!

    6. New Member Benefit: Member/Chamber Partnership Event Request. The icon for the request form is entitled “Member/Chamber Partnership Event Request” and is available on the Chamber Website Member Dashboard

    7. New Member Benefit: In-Kind Event Sponsorship Request. The icon for the request form is available on the Chamber Website Member Dashboard and is entitled “In-Kind Event Sponsorship Request”.

  10. Adjournment