Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 09-21-2022


Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: July 20, 2022

Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  5. Address or Proposals from the Community

  6. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members

  7. Village Report

  8. Treasurer’s Report

  9. Staff Report

    1. Farmers Market:

    2. Halloween Walk: October 29, 2022 (Window painting on 10/24)

    3. Clarendon Hills Tree Decorating Contest - Sign Up Beginning of Nov

    4. Clarendon Hills Holiday Walk & Market - December 2

    5. SantaCon Food Drive - December 3

  10. Old Business

    1. Christmas Walk Name Change Official Statement - Link to Name Change Statement

  11. New Business

    1. Chamber Transparency Guidelines

    2. Platinum Member Interview Reminder

    3. Membership Drive in November

  12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 at 9am

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 08-17-2022


Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: July 20, 2022

Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  5. Address or Proposals from the Community

  6. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members

  7. Village Report

  8. Treasurer’s Report

  9. Christmas Walk Name Change

  10. Staff Report

    1. Farmers Market:

    2. Oktoberfest: September 17, 6:30-10 pm. West leg of Triangle and Burlington Plaza

    3. Halloween Walk: October 29, 2022 (Window painting on 10/24)

  11. Old Business

  12. New Business

    1. Industry Event Weeks

    2. Call for Content For Industry Posts for Social Media Calendar - Unbranded Content Needed

    3. Open Marketing/Admin Position

    4. CH Bank Multi Chamber Event

  13. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept 21, 2022 at 9am

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 07-20-2022


Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: July 20, 2022

Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  5. Address or Proposals from the Community

  6. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members

  7. Village Report

  8. Treasurer’s Report

  9. Staff Report

    1. Open Marketing/Admin Position

    2. New Social Media Calendar - Unbranded Content Needed

    3. Dancin’ in the Street Update

    4. Farmer Market Update

  10. Old Business

  11. New Business

    1. Halloween Walk & Witches Ride Planning (Potential Oct 22 with a Rain Date of 29th)

    2. Christmas Walk Planning (Date to be Determined)

    3. Santa Con Planning (Possibly Aligning With Christmas Walk Weekend)

    4. Membership Drive (Nov 1)

  12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 9am

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 06-15-2022


Derek Berg and Shannon McDonald invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: June 15, 2022

Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  5. Address or Proposals from the Community

  6. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members

  7. Village Report

  8. Treasurer’s Report

  9. Staff Report

    1. DD

      1. Volunteers needed for Saturday Bar

      2. Table only sponsorships available: we have space, come join us.

      3. Post Daisy Days thoughts and ideas to come

    2. DITS

    3. Farmers Market

    4. Junior Board

  10. Old Business

  11. New Business

    1. Volunteer Database

    2. Raw Materials for Content

  12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday July 20,2022 at 9am

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 05-18-2022


Derek Berg and Shannon McDonald invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: May 18 , 2022

Time: 9am

Place: Zoom

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement: The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Address or Proposals from the Community: NONE

  5. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members (Non-Agenda Items)

  6. Village Report

  7. Treasurer Report

  8. Old Business: NONE

  9. New Business

    1. Introduction of your new Chamber Director & Events Manager Shannon McDonald.

    2. Farmers Market Begins This Week May 19th!

    3. Daisy Days June 17 & 18

    4. Dancin' in the Street Wednesdays, June 22 - July 27

    5. Water Bill Ads are available for the July/August Water Bill. CLICK HERE for a low cost advertising opportunity available to Members Only to reach every water customer in Clarendon Hills!

    6. New Member Benefit: Member/Chamber Partnership Event Request. The icon for the request form is entitled “Member/Chamber Partnership Event Request” and is available on the Chamber Website Member Dashboard

    7. New Member Benefit: In-Kind Event Sponsorship Request. The icon for the request form is available on the Chamber Website Member Dashboard and is entitled “In-Kind Event Sponsorship Request”.

  10. Adjournment

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 04-20-2022


Derek Berg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: April 20, 2022

Time: 9am

Place: Zoom

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement: The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Address or Proposals from the Community: NONE

  5. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members (Non-Agenda Items)

  6. Village Report

  7. Treasurer Report

  8. Old Business: NONE

  9. New Business

    1. Giving DuPage Days May 2-6

    2. Chamber Community Partnership Event: MOMSFEST 2022 Sunday, May 8th at 9am

    3. Multi-Connections Luncheon: Wed May 11 12-1:30 @ Hinsdale Community House - Email coming soon to register!

    4. Farmers Market Beginning May 19th

      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​New Feature: Children's Story Time presented by the Clarendon Hills Library

      • Sponsorships Available

    5. Daisy Days June 17 & 18

      • Presenting & Supporting Sponsorships Available

    6. Dancin in the Street

      • ​​​​​​​Webpage & Sponsorship Opportunities Coming Soon!

    7. Full-time New Staff Member Update

  10. Adjournment

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda: 03-16-2022


Derek Berg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 8966 5119

Passcode: 111111


Date: March 16, 2022

Time: 9am

Place: Zoom

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Address or Proposals from the Community: NONE

  5. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members: Kelly Kirchheimer - Report from State of the County event.

  6. Old Business

    1. #chambershares Updated to 4 Shares Per Month

    2. After Hours Event Recap

  7. New Business

    1. New Full Time Staff Position APPROVED and ADVERTISED


      • Click to View Content

        Sponsorships are Open to our businesses. Tickets to the Event are Available.

    3. Farmers Market (UPDATE)

    4. 2022 Multi-Chamber Event: Economic Outlook Luncheon & Business Expo: April 19, 2022

    5. Daisy Days (June 17 and 18) Sponsorship Opportunities will be opening up within the next couple weeks.

    6. Dancin in the Streets (Chamber is taking more of a proactive role)

  8. Adjournment

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 2-16-2022



Derek Berg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clarendon Hills Chamber Board Meeting Room Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 2255 9561 Passcode: 111111

The Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce Monthly Member Meeting Agenda 2-16-2022

Date:        Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  5. Address or Proposals from the Community

  6. Address or Proposals from Chamber Members

  7. Village Report

    1. Johnathon

    2. Katy Cesarini

  8. Old Business

    1. Annual Budget Approval

    2. Private Facebook Group Reminder

  9. New Business

    1. Website Update Reveal

    2. Silver and Platinum member Benefits - Keep an eye out for an email next week.

    3. Chamber VIP After Hours Event - Going to be Scheduled for March

    4. #CHChamberShares Program (3 Per Month)

    5. Chamber Member Original Content Program

    6. Social Media Marketing Policies & Guidelines

    7. Village Shared Position Update

    8. Mom Fest

    9. Farmers Market Sponsorship

    10. Daisy Days- Fri June 17 and Sat 18, 2022

  10. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wed March 16th, 2022

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 1-19-2022

The Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce Monthly Member Meeting Agenda 

Date: January 19, 2022        Time: 9:00am

Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Reading of the Mission Statement:The objects of the Clarendon Hills Chamber of Commerce are: to develop, encourage, promote, and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interests of the Village of Clarendon Hills; to promote the civic interests and the general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop, and protect the industry of the Village; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the Village.

  4. Village Report w/ Q & A

  5. Treasurer Report

  6. New Business

    1. Welcoming Our New 2022 Board of Directors

    2. Membership Update

    3. Annual Budget

    4. Chamber and Member Generated Content Framework and Industry Specific

    5. Private Facebook Group

    6. Farmers Market 2022 Update

    7. Daisy Days 2022 Update

    8. Staff Position Update

  7. Open Forum

  8. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Feb 16th @ 9am on Zoom

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 12-15-2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. 2022 Board Welcome

4. Update on the possibilities new additional Full Time staff position - Business Outreach, Community Outreach, and Events Coordinator (Possible Funding Provided By The Village)

5. 65th Anniversary Annual Christmas Walk & Holiday Market Recap

6. SANTACON and Food Drive is being planned for Dec 18th 2:00pm

7. 2022 Membership Drive is LIVE!! - EARLY MEMBER SIGN UP PARTY

8. New Private CH Chamber Member Facebook group is replacing slack.

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 11-17-2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. 2022 Board Elections - Email Ballots will be delivered at Today @ 9 am Wed Nov

4. Update on the possibilities new additional Full Time staff position - Business Outreach, Community Outreach, and Events Coordinator (Possible Funding Provided By The Village)

5. 65th Anniversary Annual Christmas Walk & Holiday Market Update

6. Christmas Tree Sponsorship: SOLD OUT Public Works should complete tree set up by Wed Nov 24 (Weather Dependent) Will will have signs by trees when they are done with installs.

7. First SANTA CON is being planned for Dec 18th 2:00pm

8. 2022 Membership Drive is LIVE!!!

9. New Private CH Chamber Member Facebook group is replacing slack.

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 10-20-2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Vote: Chamber Bylaws Update

4. Halloween Events - Free Participation Sign Up Closes Oct 22, 2021

  • October 30th Halloween Events:
    The Annual Halloween Walk downtown CH trick or treat 11am-2pm

  • The Witches Ride After Party 5pm-7pm are Saturday, Oct 30th! Booths are available for businesses not located in the downtown business district south of the tracks that want to participate.

    CLICK HERE to sign up for FREE participation in one or both of these events!Signup for the Oct 30th Events closes Friday, October 22nd.

5. 65th Anniversary Annual Christmas Walk & Holiday Market:

Details on available Sponsorship Opportunities and the addition of a Holiday Market! Sponsor Signup Opens Thursday, October 21st at 9am. We will be sending an email with link to sponsorship opportunities. All sponsorship opportunities are awarded on a first come first serve basis.

6. Christmas Tree Sponsorship: Opens Nov 1st at 9am

7. 2022 Membership Drive: Introducing new membership categories and benefits.

8.Upcoming 2022 Chamber Board Elections are taking place at the regular membership meeting on nov 17, 2021 @ 9am.

9. New Private ch Chamber Member Facebook group is replacing slack.

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 9-15-2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Upcoming Events

  • Farmers Market - Continuing Thursdays until end of October

  • Halloween Window Painting Event - October 25, 2021 (After School Hours)

  • Halloween Walk - October 30, 2021 @ 11am - 2pm

  • Witches Ride - October 30th @ 4pm - 5pm. Participating community members will dress as witches and ride their bikes on a predesignated route, doing a loop north of the tracks and a loop south of the tracks, throwing candy to children as they pass by.

  • Witches Ride Afterparty - October 30, 2021 @ 5pm - 7pm after the ride, the Chamber has been asked to partner with the Witches Ride Moms to throw an After Party in downtown Clarendon Hills south of the tracks from 5pm - 7pm so the moms may socialize after their ride.

  • Clarendon Hills Christmas Trees - We will be opening up sponsoring the decorating a Christmas Tree. This is open to businesses and community members.

  • Christmas Walk - 2021 - Dec 3rd, 2021

4. Marketing Opportunities

  • Event Sponsorships

  • Social Media Channels

  • Water bill Ad

5. Update to Chamber Bylaws Special Meeting in Late Sept or Early Oct.

6. Get Involved on the Board and/or Committee
Click this link to let us know how you would like to serve

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - 8-18-2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Upcoming Events

  • Music Nights - Aug 18, 25, 1, 8 2021

  • Christmas Walk 2021 - Dec 3rd, 2021

  • Halloween Walk - October 30, 2021

  • Farmers Market - Continuing Thursdays until end of October

4. Marketing Opportunities

  • Event Sponsorships

  • Social Media Channels

  • Water bill Ad

5. Update to Chamber Bylaws Special Meeting in Sept

6. Get Involved on the Board and/or Committee - Sending Out Interest Email in Sept.

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - July 21, 2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Welcome NEW Members:

  • Daleen Basson Home Design LLC

  • Stan's Village Cleaners

  • Little Creperie

  • Firebrand Global MArketing

  • Dynamic Perception Dance Company

  • Jan Morel Homes

  • E Claire Designs, Ltd

4. Discussion: Staff Lead Vs. Volunteer Lead Chamber

5. Discussion 2021 - 2022 Event Planning - Why does a Chamber Do Events? A New Canvas and Purpose?

  • CH Fall Music Festival 2021 - Sat Sept 11, 2021 (Prospect Ave)

  • Christmas Walk 2021

  • Halloween Walk

  • Farmers Market

  • Other Event Ideas?

6. Marketing Opportunities

  • Event Sponsorships

  • Social Media Channels

  • Water bill Ad

7. Update to Chamber Bylaws Special Meeting

8. Get Involved on the Board and/or Committee

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - May 19, 2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. The State Phase 5 Bridge Discussion

4. Marketing Campaign Update

  • 4.1 CH Chamber Cares Marketing Campaign Update

  • 4.2 CH Chamber Marketing Campaign Updated

  • General Update From our New Marketing Director Andrea (Video)

5. Farmer’s Market Presenting Sponsorship Opportunity


    • Sponsor can display vertical banner and have their own booth space to promote their business, hand out promotional items, conduct a raffle/giveaway, etc.

    • All promotional paid digital media posts will include their logo along with a headline

      • This Week’s Presenting Sponsor is "Your Business Name".

      • Guaranteed 2500 ad impressions.

    • IF there is a musical act, the musician will provide 3 “shout-outs” for the sponsor for that week.

    • *Please Note: Sponsors must bring their own tent if they require one at their booth Some weeks may not have a musical act


    • Non-Chamber Members $375 | Chamber Member’s Discounted Rate $275

    • Sponsorships will be given on a first-come, first-served basis

    • Must pay by card at the time of sign-up

6. Unplugged “Mini Concerts” Sponsorship Opportunity


    • Sponsor can display vertical banner and promote their business: hand out promotional items, conduct a raffle/giveaway, etc. during the performance

    • All promotional paid digital media posts will include their logo along with a headline

      • This Week’s Clarendon Hills Unplugged Sponsor is "Your Business Name".

      • Guaranteed 2500 ad impressions.

    • Musician will provide 3 “shout-outs” for the sponsor for that week.


    • Non-Chamber Members $375 | Chamber Member’s Discounted Rate $275

    • Sponsorships will be given on a first-come, first-served basis

    • Must pay by card at the time of sign-up

7. NEW Board Positions are Opening Up. We would love to see those who have not been on the board in the past, get involved. If you are interested, please email

Fun Facts

  • The main mission of the board is to serve it’s members and carry out the mission statement of the chamber.

  • Term limits are important in order to get fresh perspective

  • You are not signing up for a part time Job

  • Dues and Additional Revenue help pay for Staff - Staff gets work done - That work benefits our members through promoting our businesses!

  • Multiple Industry Perspective are very important!

8. Larger Scale Events Are Possible in the Near Future

Addition larger Scale Events are back on the table as long as those events benefit the chamber and align with the mission statment

9. Bi-Laws Update…Update

10. Open Q & A

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - April 21, 2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Multi-Chamber Meeting Report

  • 3.1 Membership

  • 3.2 Events

  • 3.3 Sponsorships

  • 3.4 In-Person Meetings and Meet ups

4. Marketing Campaign Update

  • 4.1 CH Chamber Cares Marketing Campaign Update

  • 4.2 CH Chamber Marketing Campaign Updated

  • 4.3 As Always Content Needed

  • 4.4 Chamber Marketing Service Program (Done For You)

5. Farmer’s Market Presenting Sponsorship Opportunity


    • Sponsor can display vertical banner and have their own booth space to promote their business, hand out promotional items, conduct a raffle/giveaway, etc.

    • All promotional paid digital media posts will include their logo along with a headline

      • This Week’s Presenting Sponsor is "Your Business Name".

      • Guaranteed 2500 ad impressions.

    • IF there is a musical act, the musician will provide 3 “shout-outs” for the sponsor for that week.

    • *Please Note: Sponsors must bring their own tent if they require one at their booth Some weeks may not have a musical act


    • Non-Chamber Members $375 | Chamber Member’s Discounted Rate $275

    • Sponsorships will be given on a first-come, first-served basis

    • Must pay by card at the time of sign-up

6. Unplugged “Mini Concerts” Sponsorship Opportunity


    • Sponsor can display vertical banner and promote their business: hand out promotional items, conduct a raffle/giveaway, etc. during the performance

    • All promotional paid digital media posts will include their logo along with a headline

      • This Week’s Clarendon Hills Unplugged Sponsor is "Your Business Name".

      • Guaranteed 2500 ad impressions.

    • Musician will provide 3 “shout-outs” for the sponsor for that week.


    • Non-Chamber Members $375 | Chamber Member’s Discounted Rate $275

    • Sponsorships will be given on a first-come, first-served basis

    • Must pay by card at the time of sign-up

  • 7. Non-Event Based Revenue Generators & Sponsorship

    • Contents & Giveaways

    • Raffels

    • Silent Auctions

8. Farmers Market Community Young Entrepreneur Table

9. Welcome Andrea Banke while we say goodbye to Amanda Hutchison

  • Thank You Amanda!!

  • Welcome Andrea

10. NEW Board Positions are Opening Up. We would love to see those who have not been on the board in the past, get involved. If you are interested, please email

11. Bi-Laws Update…Update

12. Open Q & A

Chamber Member Meeting Agenda - March 16, 2021

1. Village Report

2. Treasurer Report

3. Digital Marketing Campaign Update

  • 3.1 Campaign Update

  • 3.2 Content Needed

  • 3.3 Intern Content Capturing Program

  • 3.4 Chamber Marketing Service Program (Done For You)

4. Farmers Market

  • 5.1 Expansion of Vender

  • Lavenway Farms

  • Hahn's Bakery

  • Azteca Catering Co.

  • Spartan Gourmet Foods

  • Hufendick Farm

  • Tierra Distillery & Coffee???

  • Cheese Vender???

  • Guest Vending Space for CH Businesses

5. Large Gathering Major Events Update

6. Supplemental Dispersed Gathering Micro Events Update

7. Open Q & A